Research Update on Frankincense’s Cancer Fighting Potential

Here’s an update on the incredible scientific research showing Frankincense essential oils destroy cancer cells effectively, while leaving healthy cells functioning normally at the same concentrations. (By the way – our Sacred Frankincense is currently on sale, along with other great specials…check them out here!)

Frankincense resin, from which the essential oil is distilled.
Frankincense essential oil, and it’s components have been shown to cause natural cell death of cancer cells in EVERY STUDY THUS PERFORMED!
This occurs with any and all Frankincense essential oil tested, be it Carteri, Seratta or Sacra. We carry all three. The Boswellia Carateri or Seratta CO2 distillations have important therapeutic potential, with heavier molecules similar to the resin not found in the steam-distilled oils. The Boswellia Sacra, or ‘Sacred Frankincense’, is hydro-distilled, also produced at a lower temperature steam distillation, also retaining important constituents of the raw Frankincense resin.
In research, Frankincense essential oil has been evaluated in these studies. One important conclusion is that “Frankincense appears to distinguish between normal cells and suppress cancer cell viability”:
- In Breast Cancer Cells: Boswellia sacra essential oil induces tumor cell apoptosis and suppresses tumor aggressiveness in cultured human breast cancer cells
- In The Pancreas: Frankincense essential oil from Boswellia sacra gum resins induces human pancreatic cancer cell death.
- In the Colon: Boswellic acid exerts antitumor effects in colorectal cancer cells amily.
- In the Bladder: Frankincense oil derived from Boswellia carteri induces tumor cell specific cytotoxicity.
- In the Blood (leukemia) Boswellic acid acetate induces apoptosis through caspase-mediated pathways in myeloid leukemia cells.
- On the Skin (melanoma): Boswellic acid acetate induces differentiation and apoptosis in highly metastatic melanoma and fibrosarcoma cells.
And the list goes on. You can search for and read more yourself at and search “frankincense and cancer”.
While we are not advocating one use Frankincense essential oil in lieu of conventional treatments, we have heard success stories of women using Frankincense essential oil massage supporting their healing from breast cancer.
One way some users employ the oil is to use in a diffuser, and either sleep with the diffuser on continuously, or inhale repeatedly from the diffuser throughout the day, ensuring some amount of the oil is absorbed into their system.
Stay tuned for our next offer as we couple Frankincense essential oil with our cold-air diffusers at an incredible price!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.