The Water Element
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Chakra: Six petaled Svadhisthana (sweetness) chakraAnimal: WhalesDynamic: Yin, feminine, receptiv...

Flower Essences Can Assist Yoga Practice
Flower Essences are gaining recognition for there effective support in moving through emotional c...

Essential oils positively affects mood, EEG patterns of alertness and math computations
Diego MA, Jones NA, Field T, Hernandez-Reif M, Schanberg S, Kuhn C, McAdam V, Galamaga R, Galamag...

Essential oils are one of nature's premier healing gifts
These delicate compounds demand great care in their production - from growing and harvesting of ...

What is a CO2 Extract? How Are CO2′s and Essential Oils Different?
What does ‘CO2′ and ‘Super Critical CO2′ mean to the aromatherapist? CO2 extraction is an amazing...

Helichrysum: Could it Be a 'Magic' Oil!?
The many wonders of Helichrysum essential oil stretch across the globe.
The essential oil of Heli...